
My Mom Has an Issue With My Weight but I Do Not. What Do I Do?

Question by Cara: My mom has an issue with my weight but i do not. what do i do?
my mom says every single day that i need to slow down and stop gaining weight
and that i am fat etc etc
i think that i am not thin per se, however i am fine with how i look and i am proportional
why doesn’t she understand how much it hurts me every time she tells me i look horrible?
am i seeing myself wrong?
who is right and what do i do…
she is even having a “talk” with me about my “food addiction”
i don’t even eat that much and i eat healthy
i am 5″6 around 160 size 8 or 10

Best answer:

Answer by David C
how much do you weigh? and how tall are you?

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