
PCP Addiction (Drugs, Angel Dust, Psychological Dependency), How to Treat?

Question by Maxim: PCP addiction (drugs, angel dust, psychological dependency), how to treat?
My friend is having difficulties getting off her PCP addiction, it’s affected her everyday life including getting a job, although she is a recreational user. I need help in getting her (psychologically) off that stuff. She has kept away for as long as 7 months before and up to 7 days since I met her.

I am a white first generation immigrant with good education and a job. She is a struggling black girl from Central America (second generation immigrant) who grew up in a black part of town (The Hood if you will). It is hard for her to stay away from her friends (who also use PCP and marijuana). She is intellectually agile, sexually curious and naturally kind. There is an understanding of the problem but answer to “Why did you smoke it?” is usually “I don’t know”.

Aside from calm discussion of the negative effects of the PCP use, what are my other options in helping her getting off that stuff? The only thing that keeps her off is if I am with her all the time (which I cannot do…nobody can).

Professional help would be appreciated. Please don’t bother if your answer is shorter than this question.

MD’s and Ph.D’s are encouraged to respond as well as former struggling drug users and people with more than 5 years of experience in related fields.

Please help, I am lost as I never dealt with this.
FYI: we are both in our mid 20’s.

Best answer:

Answer by Taffy
It is the same as any other addiction. The more you do it the more you want to do it. I just believe that your girlfriend doesn’t want to quit. As you said you can’t be with her 24/7, she will find some way to use it even if you were with her 24/7. She is “strung out” and sees nothing wrong with it. I feel sorry for her & you because PCP is a mind altering drug and can and will cause brain damage. I have used drugs before but only on a trial basis, never repeatedly. That, PCP distorts your reality and must be an escape for your girl from living in the “hood”. She needs to move, and get new friends and interests. Now, if that is feasible I don’t know, but it could be the difference between life and death. In my experience people who use PCP also indulge in Glue/Spray Paint sniffing. All of which are nearly impossible to treat. Is there anyway you can have an intervention? Try calling Dr. Phil, if your lucky he will have you as guests on his show so she may receive the help she needs, otherwise, I see no hope for the future.

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