
Rate My Essay Please?!?

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It was a drizzly afternoon. I stepped foot outside Engelmann hall, thankfully on this day I was wearing my rain boots. In a hurry, I began make way to my residence hall, West Campus, which conveniently happens to be on the completely other side of campus. It had been a long week for me. I was battling a throbbing headache which seemed to be lasting for days. It was my first attempt to quit smoking, which I later realized was a complete failure. I had just gotten prescribed to anti-anxiety medication because of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms I was suffering from. The idea of homework wouldn’t leave my mind. I had been procrastinating for quite some time while I was trying to straighten my life in order, which seemed to not be going as planned. I was in the ultimate daze. My thoughts would control how I felt, and in the process, my ultimate goal was to just relax, something that was impossible at that time. To deal with the nonsense my life had become, I unfortunately turned back to smoking.

On my way to class, I uncoiled my fingers from the wire of my headphones that I was vigorously playing with to distract myself from the sudden urge of pulling out a cigarette, only to reach into my back pack and pull out a pack of Marlb. Reds. “Ugh”, I said under my breath. While walking, slowly, but very concentrated on the pack, opened it and pulled out one of the perfectly packed cancer sticks. I stared at the pack before putting it away. It was the first brand of cigarettes I smoked, and the same kind of cigarettes I had gotten my friends addicted to as well, which only would make it harder for me to not smoke when I was around them. Casually trudging through puddles in the side walk, I stuck the pack back into my backpack and I spastically searched for a lighter in my pockets. I did not care that it was raining out, my plan was to get to where I was going, get that nicotine rush that I was longing for, curl up in my bed, ignore my overdue homework and drift in to something that would turn into a nightmarish dream (something that comes with the withdrawal and anxiety of quitting). With every drag I took of that cigarette, regret and aggravation built up inside of me. Like I said, my thought process was nothing but continuous. I had basically been picking on myself to quit since the beginning of the school year, but with all the other smokers on campus, its almost impossible. One would think that by now, I would know that its time to stop if its causing me such stress; Truth is, I had never been this way, sparking that bogie was all I looked forward to. Before this dependence, I wasn’t such a hypochondriac, fearing that one day I might develop mouth cancer, or blindness. I even used to be athletic, before my completely avoidable habit had started, I was told by one of the gym teachers, who had also coached the Greenwich High School football team that I was one of the strongest girls for my size he’s ever seen. Before this addiction, I didn’t avoid my homework, and put it off until the last second. — “The best gift you can give me are good grades, that’s all I want from you”, my mom said once as she accompanied me with a kiss on the head as we said our goodbye on move-in day, a repetitious memory that haunts me until this day which actually made this smoking habit worse. As these thoughts were racing in my head, the rain had finally lightened up. I had realized that I was going on a rambling stupor of what would cause me an anxiety attack, and I quickly ignored it all. I finally manage to look up with out the raindrops blinding my vision only to see what’s in front of me. A boy and a girl. “– OH,” the boy shouted as he stepped in a puddle. “I knew that was going to happen!”, the girl said as if she was psychic (even though it doesn’t really take a genius to know people tend to step in puddles when its raining out). I slowly began to gain speed on them. Like I said, I was in a hurry. He begins to limp and call out as if he had stepped on a mouse trap. “MY NEW KICKS!”, he shouts and the girl begins to laugh.I mean not like there isn’t a reason behind why rain boots were invented, but this kid began to make a scene. This kid was acting as if the world had ended and he was going to drop to his knees in despair. And in all honesty, you don’t see me flailing about screaming about my issues. For a second I thought of turning around and saying something like “You know, Some people don’t even own ‘kicks’.” or “Why don’t you get some shoes for your shoes!” Okay, Now I know that’s probably, maybe not the cleverest taunt that some people can come up with but for me that’s witty. If someone is acting stupid in public, I would usually act sarcastic towards them, but because of the rain, the fact that this kid looked like he was about to cry and the doubtful thoughts I was having about myself,

Best answer:

Answer by Zimbly
Great job done….excellent use of words and grammer. All the best !


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