
Recovery From Drug and Alcohol Addiction NOW !

Addiction Rehab: Recovery From drug and alcohol addiction NOW ! Contrary to what other programs may have led you to believe, you are more than a “client” to be treated or labeled with a disease. You have choices, motivation and free will. Your future depends, not on the theories and opinions of counselors and doctors, but on that inner desire you have to be more than you are now.
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Addiction Rehab: Meghan Daum: Anthony Weiner’s inner geekdom
It would appear the New York congressman is not addicted to sex as much as he’s simply addicted to himself. Anthony Weiner, the disgraced New York congressman whose sins certainly don’t need to be spelled out again, has, we are told, checked himself into rehab. We can’t be sure exactly what kind, since his spokeswoman said only that he was seeking “professional treatment to focus on being a …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

Addiction Rehab: Amy Winehouse Cancels Part of European Tour
THR Staff After being booed at her first stop in Serbia, the troubled singer cancels her next two scheduled appearances. read more
Read more on The Hollywood Reporter

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