
Sex Addiction – a Medical Condition or a Pathetic Excuse?

Sexual addiction is a so-called medical condition whereby an individual is either medically or self diagnosed to be unable to control their sexual conduct. The phrase “sexual dependency” or “sex compulsion” is how sex addicts are categorized according to researchers.

The debate over the validity of sex addiction has become a hot topic in light of certain international celebrities and sports stars who’s wide spread sexual misconduct has become public knowledge, many of whom have taken refuge in sex addiction rehab clinics.

Even though medical researchers stop short of scientifically concluding such a medical condition is actually valid, many “sexually dependant” sufferers draw comparisons of sexual addiction to substance addictions including drugs or alcohol.

Sexologists are yet to reach any concrete conclusions as to whether sex addiction actually exists, or whether it’s simply a pathetic excuse for individuals to excuse their scoundrel like behaviour. Whilst the medical jury is still out, Professor Anthony Galloway claims sex addiction is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but as this issue stands right now, the general consensus is that sex addiction is nothing more than a myth, a cop out.

Myth or not, sex addiction has become an industry in itself; there are widely available sex addiction clinics in most developed cities across the world. Dr. John Stone, the owner of a sex addict therapy clinic in St. Albans, Sydney, published his views about the disorder based on six years of treatments handed out to patients.

“Not all people who come to my clinic for treatment are sex addicts. More than 65% of my patients can be successfully treated and counselled within the one-hour initial consultation at my practice. Certainly I agree that the majority of those who visit me are just over sexed men and women who have been sprung cheating then pay me a visit as a last resort through fear of being dumped by their angry partners, husband’s or wives. Incidentally, 82% of my patients are male, but who’s counting. There are however, a minority of my patients that in my professional opinion are most certainly addicted to sex. These individuals usually have a deep and dark history of sexual secrecy stemming back to a very young age. For me, it’s very easy to spot someone who is a serial cheater compared to a sex addict. The dependency will commonly begin in puberty but it can also evolve in later life.”

Whether you buy Dr. Stone’s advices or not, if you yourself have a problem with infidelity, or your partner does, finding a solution that will erase these destructive memories is in itself a mammoth challenge, and medical counselling intervention should be your next course of action.

If you are searching for a new partner because your ex is a cheater, visit our online dating sites to explore new options. Not everyone is a cheater, and looking for love online is a great way to assess many different people in a short space of time. Meet singles online, you just never know what’s around the corner!

This article about sex addiction was written by Matt Fuller. Matt provides online dating services for local men and women who are looking for new relationships.

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