
Sex Addiction-Induced Perpetration (SAIP) Goes Undiagnosed and Untreated … – (Blog)

Sex Addiction-Induced Perpetration (SAIP) Goes Undiagnosed and Untreated … – (blog) (blog)

Sex Addiction-Induced Perpetration (SAIP) Goes Undiagnosed and Untreated (blog)
Victims need recognition of the patterns of harm and abuse they experience and have endured, which goes way beyond the Pollyanna descriptions of “hurt and betrayal” caused by sex acts. Furthermore, female victims are violated further by being labeled 

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Drug that combats heroin overdoses unavailable to most NH emergency … – Concord Monitor

Drug that combats heroin overdoses unavailable to most NH emergency
Concord Monitor
“New Hampshire has among the highest rates in the country of drug and alcohol abuse and dependence, but ranks at the bottom in accessing treatment,” she said. “Heroin use is on the rise statewide, as the leading cause of drug overdose deaths in 2012, 

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

ELECTION: Joe Hubbard says he loves Aztec, but wants to change its government – Farmington Daily Times

ELECTION: Joe Hubbard says he loves Aztec, but wants to change its government
Farmington Daily Times
From aged fire hydrants dating back to the 1950s to improper road paving that causes home flooding, Hubbard said he has expertise in city maintenance and safety that would spell relief for citizens if he were elected to city commission next month

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

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