
Smartphone Addiction Causes a Wrinkle Known as ‘Tech Neck’ – the Standard Digital News

Smartphone addiction causes a wrinkle known as ‘tech neck’ – The Standard Digital News

Smartphone addiction causes a wrinkle known as 'tech neck'
The Standard Digital News
Having the latest gadgets may make us feel good but they are giving us a 'tech neck' apparently. Brits chatting away on clever smart phones and sleek tablets are forcing a new breed of wrinkle to appear. Throughout our busy lives the furrowed brow

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

Faulty oxytocin system may cause addiction susceptibility – The Conversation

Faulty oxytocin system may cause addiction susceptibility
The Conversation
Addictive behaviour, such as drug and alcohol abuse, could be a result of a poorly developed oxytocin system. Dr Buisman-Pijlman looked what causes differences in peoples' oxytocin systems by reviewing published studies on the subject. She also looked …

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Hopedale/Upton: Area schools to host forums tonight – Wicked Local Hopedale

Hopedale/Upton: Area schools to host forums tonight
Wicked Local Hopedale
According to a school flier, the forum will look into the signs and causes of substance abuse, as well as steps that parents can take on the matter. Mike Gleason can be reached at 508-634-7546 or [email protected]. For news throughout the day, …

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

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