
The Hard Lives — and High Suicide Rate — of Native American Children on … – Washington Post

The hard lives — and high suicide rate — of Native American children on … – Washington Post

The hard lives — and high suicide rate — of Native American children on
Washington Post
If a suicide happens, you're there for the family. A toxic collection of pathologies — poverty, unemployment, domestic violence, sexual assault, alcoholism and drug addiction — has seeped into the lives of young people among the nation's 566 tribes.

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How Addiction Happens – Google News

The ’60s Are Gone, But Psychedelic Research Trip Continues – OPB News

The '60s Are Gone, But Psychedelic Research Trip Continues
OPB News
He studied the effect of hallucinogens on mental disorders, including addiction. Grof says LSD “Even if people are happy to spout statistics at you about your chances of survival, that's not what happens in emotional or human terms. I went through

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How Addiction Happens – Google News

My Brief Rendez-vous with the Guru – (blog)

My Brief Rendez-vous with the Guru (blog)
It was one week after actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose and Michael Roach, the leader of his own off-shoot of Tibetan Buddhism, was going to be speaking about addiction to a group of followers in Manhattan's quirky East Village

How Addiction Happens – Google News

Underage-drinking prevention and enforcement a joint effort – Plattsburgh Press Republican

Underage-drinking prevention and enforcement a joint effort
Plattsburgh Press Republican
In 2013, Wylie and Sherrie Gillette, director of community services for Clinton County Mental Health and Addiction Services, created the Young Adult Alcohol Awareness Program. The six-week module is It just happens to be the time that they were

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How Addiction Happens – Google News

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