What Do I Use Besides Chapstick?
Question by thegreendoor: what do i use besides chapstick?
I have a “chapstick addiction” (Not even kidding, look it up) I’ve been using burt’s bees for years and I realized I can’t go a day without it. I use it multiple times a day. I’m tired of my lips drying out after a few hours so i decided to buy something less addictive. Burt’s Bees has menthol, camphor and phenol in it which all cause the problem that chapstick is supposed to solve. I bought EOS chapstick because it doesn’t have the camphor or menthol in it. I’ve been using it about a week now and i feel like my lips are just as, if not more dry than before. I’ve tried to avoid licking my lips but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. So my question is, does anyone know of any natural, non addictive chapsticks that don’t have ingredients that cause the dryness and chapping? Or maybe some type of home remedy to solve this?
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Answer by Melanie
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Causes Of Addiction: Jennifer – Portland Rescue Mission
When Jennifer’s four children were taken from her, she was devastated. Most of us can’t imagine that kind of pain. But Jennifer didn’t give up. Thanks to you, Jennifer is finding help at Shepherd’s Door, the women and children’s ministry of Portland Rescue Mission. She’s healing from her addiction and its root causes. Your support gives hope when all seems lost. Donate online at www.PortlandRescueMission.org. Or call 503-MISSION (647-7466).
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