
What Do You Need to Do to Get Through Withdrawl From Lortabs?

Question by kitty: What do you need to do to get through withdrawl from Lortabs?
I have a very close friend of mine that needs help with they’re addiction to Lortabs, They tell me that they have tried to stop cold turkey but its the withdrawl effects that they can’t handle. They say they feel like they have the flu and they use the bathroom all the time and have body aches with head aches and they have no taste for food I have searched the web but really no help, i really want to help them.

Best answer:

Answer by julian s
Loritab is an opiate… like heroine. Kicking dope is tough, but kicking part is really just a waiting game. My tips would be to first set aside a weekend and get rid of ALL and any narcotics that may be available. Rent a bunch of movies, buy some nice bath oils and prepare for a couple bad days. Be available to your friend and help distract him/her from the pain. If this is from a fairly short term dependence from an injury then this may be all that is needed. On the other hand if this is part of a long term drug abuse problem then this is only the beginning. Narcotics Anonymous has meetings in almost every town in America and can give the knowledge and support to those with drug addiction. To you I say this, your friend will only quit when they are ready. Your support and motivation can help them decide, but you cannot decide for them or force them to decide. It is good of you to care about your friend, remember though to also care for yourself.
Good luck and Health

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