
Questions About Medical Marijuana Card?

Question by SkepsisVoid: Questions about medical marijuana card?
I would like to get one to treat my schizophrenia, i’ve tried various pills that have hurt more than helped.

Here are my concerns:
Can you get a medical card for mental illness or anemia?
Will it effectively treat either of those conditions?
What are the basic agreements of owning one? (where you can smoke, how much you can buy at once, age restrictions, etc.)

Any information will be appreciated, thank you.
As specified above, schizophrenia is my specific mental illness.

Best answer:

Answer by Wish You Were Here
“Mental Illness” is too vague… What SPECIFICALLY is wrong with you? You won’t know if Marijuana helps your condition or makes it worse until you try it, which sucks, and you have to be aware that long term use of Marijuana usually ends up exacerbating depression and/or anxiety. When this happens, the user tends to try and smoke more to get that same effect they got when they first started then switch to something else that stimulates the same regions of the brain as Marijuana, when it was working, and that tends to either be booze or speed/meth/amphetamines.

I used marijuana to treat insomnia and anxiety successfully for many years, then it suddenly started to trigger panic attacks so I haven’t been able to use it for 4+ years now.

Some people can smoke weed for 15 years and not get the progression… Others can’t smoke AT ALL because it triggers depression or panic right off the bat. I know a guy that has NEVER been able to tolerate marijuana, and he tried it a number of times to see if he had “Out Grown” that effect or if different TYPES acted differently with him and EVERY time was a negative experience.

Additionally, you need to be aware that marijuana IS addictive to a SMALL percentage of people…

It is estimated that about 30% of humanity has the series of genetic factors called “The Addiction Gene” and of that group, approximately 9% have the biology which allows them to become addicted to weed. This makes Marijuana FAR safer and less addictive than booze yet when that SMALL number of people that CAN get hooked DO, it is as profound an addiction as being hooked on coke or heroin.

Remember, “Addiction” is defined by the inability to stop doing something despite mounting negative consequences… And there’s no such thing as “Psychologically Addictive” and “Biologically Addictive”. It is based on your specific brain biology, inherited from your parents.

If you smoke for a long time or are a heavy user and decide to just STOP, there IS long term withdrawal for both addicts and non addicts alike… Sleep and Mood disturbances happen to almost everyone and they can last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Suicidality increases in those that have preexisting mental health conditions.

As for the specifics of your state’s card, that you’ll have to find out locally because what is legal in Colorado may be illegal in California or Arizona.

Don’t let anyone tell you “General” information, it MUST be state specific.

Answer by Madison
You should just try taking LSD. It’ll either cure you or make you completely insane.

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